The Human Camera Blog

Saturday 29 October 2011

Near Federation Square

This photo is part of a series of 6 that I'll be sharing taken from a recent night out in the city of Melbourne. The next time I'll be out doing a night shoot in the city will be on New Year's Eve. Hopefully, I'll be able to grab some shots of the New Year's fireworks. 

I must say that I counted myself really lucky to be able to do this on a night full of clouds... sure, at some stage during the shoot it seems like the rain will not hold out. But it did! I recall leaving the city around 930pm and the minute I stepped into the car... the heavens opened and it was raining heavy! Not sure whether I've mentioned this before, for those of you who are visiting Melbourne, be sure to check out this place! Heaps of cools restaurant and personally, I think the National Gallery of Victoria (you can see this place in the background) is one of the best museum in Australia... their exhibits changes frequently and most of the exhibits are free to see... additionally, there are usually cool performances on weekends.

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